- ザビル博士は平成27年11月から鶴岡工業高等専門学校創造工学科の教授を務めています。同氏はバングラデシュで生まれ、バングラデシュのBangladesh University of Engineering & Technology でBachelor of Science in Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering及びMaster of Science in Engineering in Computer Science & Engineeringを取得しました。そして、1997年、東北大学で留学するため来日しました。同氏は東北大学で博士(情報科学)と修士(情報科学)を取得しました。
- ザビル氏は今まで東北大学、九州大学、早稲田大学、韓国のKyung Hee University、バングラデシュのBangladesh University of Engineering & Technologyで大学生及び大学院生の教育と研究の指導を担当してきました。同氏は日本の大手メーカーパナソニック(当時松下電器)の研究所で家電ネットワークに関する研究開発を担当していました。鶴岡高専の教授に着任する直前まで、同氏はフランスの大手テレコムオペレータ、オレンジ(旧フランステレコム)の日本研究所で研究開発及び東南アジアの大学や企業とのパートナシップを担当していました。
- ザビル博士は情報ネットワーク及びネットワークプロトコル、高齢者向けのICT技術やサービス、e-health/wellness,日常の生活にICT 技術の活用、スマート農業、途上国向けの技術やサービスなどの分野に関して研究を行っています。
- ザビル博士はIEEEのシニアメンバーに所属しています。同氏は学術雑誌のエディターや国際学会のプログラムコミッティメンバーなどの活動に参加しています。
- 我々は現在まで下記のような複数のネットワークの輻輳制御方法を提案していました。
- TCP Seamless
- TCP Cherry [improves throughput by up to 150%]
- WFCC (Wireless Friendly Congestion Control) [improves throughput by up to 250%]
- Utilization based congestion control (UCC) [improves performance by up to 150%]
- Fair In-time Marking (FIM)
- Fair In-time Dropping (FID)
- 現在、我々は災害に強いネットワークに関する
- EMAC(Exhaustive Medium Access Control).
- 我々は有線、無線や衛星環境でネットワークの性能を向上させるために複数の方法を開発しました。我々が提案した方法に下記の特徴があります。
- 無駄をなくす
- 実装しやすい(複雑なパラメーターがありません)
- 従来の方法に悪い影響を与えない
図: 衛星リンク上で我々が提案した輻輳制御方法、TCP Cherryの使用によってネットワークの性能が従来の方法より150%まで向上させることが可能
- 我々は現在、災害に強いネバーダイーネットワークの実現に関する研究開発を行っています。
- 我々はe-healthやwellnessに関する複数のテーマについて研究を行いました。
- Bluetooth, NFC/Felica, ZigBeeなどの通信技術の使用によって様々な種類の健康や医療機器からデータの収集、保管、データの統一化などについての研究
- ロボットのカメラの使用による一人暮らし高齢者の宅内で転倒の認識技術に関する研究開発。
- 途上国向けの周産期カルテシステムについての研究
- 現在、我々はゲノーム情報を保管するデータベース技術及び個別化医療に関して調査を行っています。
- 現在、我々はウェアラブル端末の使用によってスポーツ選手の成長を確認するための技術の開発及び実証実験のことを検討しています。
- Utsumi, S., Zabir, S.M.S., Wireless Friendly Congestion Control: A New High-Performance TCP Friendly Congestion Control over Wireless Networks, Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol. 41, 2014, pp. 369-378.
- Schiltz, A., Zabir, S.M.S., Rouille, P., Genestier, P., Ishigure, Y., and Maeda, Y., Business model analysis of eHealth use cases in Europe and in Japan, Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and E-health, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 30-43.
- Utsumi, S., and Zabir, S.M.S., Timestamp Retransmission Algorithm for TCP-Cherry over Interplanetary Internet, Network and Communication Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 2, December 2012, pp. 59-65.
- Utsumi, S., and Zabir, S. M. S., Utilization-Based Congestion Control, International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, Vol. 4, No. 5, September 2012, pp. 101-112.
- Hasan, M.K., Mehedy, L., Zabir, S.M.S., Lee, S.Y., Lee, Y.K., A Middleware Based Network Hot Swapping Solution for SCA Compliant Radio, IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 3, August, 2009, pp. 1315-1321.
- Utsumi, S., Zabir, S.M.S., Shiratori, N., TCP-Cherry for Satellite IP Networks: Analytical Model and Performance Evaluation, Computer Communications, Elsevier, 32(2009) pp. 1377-1383.
- Utsumi, S., Zabir, S. M. S. and Shiratori, N., TCP Cherry: A New Approach for TCP Congestion Control over Satellite IP Networks, Computer Communications, Elsevier, 31(2008) pp. 2541-2561.
- Mehedy, L., Lee S.Y., Zabir, S.M.S., and Lee, Y.K., Scalable and Adaptive Context Delivery Mechanism for Context-aware Computing, International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, Emerald, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2008, pp. 166-184.
- Abusina, Z.U.M., Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., Chakraborty, D., and Shiratori, N., An Engineering Approach to Dynamic Prediction of Network Performance from Application Logs, International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 15, No. 3, 2005, pp. 151-162.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., and Shiratori, N., An Efficient Flow Control Approach for TCP over Wireless Networks, Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2004, pp. 341-360.
- Zabir, S.M.S., Kitagata, G., A Proposal for Efficient TCP Flow Control over Satellite Networks, Telecommunication Systems, Vol. 25, No. 3-4, 2004, pp. 371-400.
- Chakraborty, D., Zabir, S.M.S., Chayabejara, A. and Chakrabory, G., A Distributed Routing Method for Dynamic Multicasting, Telecommunication Systems, Vol 25, No. 3-4, 2004, pp. 299-315.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., Kitagata, G. and Shiratori, N., A New Approach to Ensure Fairness over the Internet, International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 15, No. 4, 2004, pp. 241-255.
- Utsumi, S., Zabir, S. M. S., Kitagata, G. and Shiratori, N., Improving TCP Performance over Wireless with Data Link Layer ARQ, IPSJ Journal, Vol. 45, No. 4, 2004, pp. 1112-1120.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., Kitagata, G., Suganuma, T. and Shiratori, N., Ensuring Fairness Among ECN and non ECN TCP over the Internet, International Journal of Network Management, Vol. 13, 2003, No. 5, 2003, pp. 337-348.
- Chayabejara, A., Zabir, S. M. S., and Shiratori, N., An Enhancement of IEEE 802.11 MAC for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, FIT Information Technology Letters, 2003.
- Khan, A., Zabir, S. M. S., and Shiratori, N., A Proactive Buffering Scheme to Improve Inter-domain Handoff Performance on Standard Mobile IP, FIT Information Technology Letters, 2003.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., Kitagata, G., and Shiratori, N., A Proposal for Efficient On-demand Routing in MANET, Journal of Electronics and Computer Science, Vol. 5, June 2003.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., Kitagata, G., Suganuma, T., and Shiratori, N., "ECN for Different TCP Performance Improvement", Journal of Electronics and Computer Science, Vol. 3, June 2002, pp.29-36.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., Kitagata, G., Suganuma, T. and Shiratori, N., Toward Ensuring Fair Service among ECN and non ECN TCP Connections Over the Internet, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 5, 2002., pp.837-847.
- Satoshi, U., Zabir, S. M. S. and Shiratori, N., A New TCP for Efficient Operations over Wireless Links, FIT Information Technology Letters, 2002, pp. 219-220.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., Shiratori, N., An Efficient Approach to Performance Improvement of Different TCP Enhancements Using ECN, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol. E85-D, 2002, pp.1250-1257.
- Zabir, S.M.S., Ishigure, Y., Genestier, P., and Maeda, Y., Toward Developing E-Health Services for Emerging Countries: Current Status and Challenges, In Proceedings of Med-e-Tel, 2015, Luxembourg, April, 2015.
- Takahashi, G., Itoh, Y., Ishigure, Y., Maeda, Y., Genestier, P., Limeux, P., Graille, O., Prola, A., and Zabir, S.M.S., Interoperability Testing of Continua compliant RESTful eHealth Platform, In Proceedings of Med-e-Tel, 2015, Luxembourg, April, 2015.
- Utsumi, S., Zabir, S.M.S., Utilization-based Congestion Control: Improvement of Friendliness with TCP over Wireless Links. AINA 2012, Fukuoka, Japan, March, 2012, pp. 215-220.
- Wang, S., Zabir, S.M.S., Liebe, B., Lying Pose Recognition for Elderly Fall Detection, In Proceedings of Robotics Science and Systems, 2011, Los Angeles, CA, USA, June 2011.
- Togashi, K., Utsumi, S., Zabir, S.M.S., A Summary of TCP-Cherry for Satellite IP Networks, 2011 Joint Conference on Satellite Communications (JC-SAT), Japan, 2011 (JC-SAT Award).
- Schiltz, A., Rouille, P., Genestier, P., Ishigure, Y., Maeda, Y. and Zabir, S.M.S., Analysis of Business Model Use Cases for E-Health in Europe and in Japan, Med-e-Tel 2011, Luxembourg, April 2011, pp. 158-162.
- Sarkar, J., Hasan, K., Lee, Y.K., Lee, S.Y., and Zabir, S.M.S., "Distributed Activity Recognition using Key Sensors", 11th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology, Phoenix Park, South Korea, 2009, pp: 2245-2250.
- Abusina, Z.U.M., Uddin, M., Zabir, S.M.S., Efficient Medium Access Control with IEEE 802.11 for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, International Conference on Wireless Networking (ICWN), 2009, pp. 413-419.
- Zabir, S.M.S., Ashir, A. and Yasuura, H., Digital Divide: The Amazing Facts at The BoP, IADIS International Conference. ICT, Society and Human Beings 2008. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 22 - 24 July 2008, pp. 155-162.
- M.M. Uddin, S.M.S. Zabir, Y. Nohara, H. Yasuura, A Framework for Authentic Post-Issuance Program Modification for Multi-Application Smart Cards, In Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Networking, ICWN'08, July 14-17, 2008, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- Takeda, A., Hashimoto, K., Kitagata, G., Zabir, S.M.S., Kinoshita, T., Shiratori, N., A New Authentication Method with Distributed Hash Table for P2P Network In proceeding of International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops, 2008, (AINA-08).
- Sarkar, J., Lee, S.Y., Lee, Y.K., and Zabir, S.M.S., Distributed Activity Recognition Using Key Sensors, In proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Science, 2008 (ICIS 2008).
- Hasan, K., Mehedy, L., Zabir, S.M.S. and Lee, S.Y., and Oh, S.C., A Middleware Based Network Hot Swapping Solution for SCA Compliant Software Defined Radio, In proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, December 15-18, 2007, pp. 99-103, Cairo, Egypt.
- Chayabejara, A., Zabir, S.M.S., Shiratori, N., An Enhancement of the IEEE 802.11 MAC for Multihop Ad Hoc Networks, In Proceedings of IEEE Vehicular Technology, 2003-Fall, October 6-9, 2003, pp. 3020-3024, Florida, USA.
- Zabir, S.M.S., and Shiratori, N., An Approach for Efficient TCP Flow Control over Wireless Links, In Proceedings of IASTED Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, November 3-5, 2003, Vol. I, pp. 219-226, California, USA.
- Khan, A., Zabir, S.M.S., Shiratori, N., A Proactive Buffering Scheme to improve Macro-mobility over Mobile IP, In Proceedings of IASTED Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, November 3-5, 2003, Vol. I, pp. 227-231, California, USA.
- Chayabejara, A., Zabir, S.M.S., Shiratori, N., An Enhancement of IEEE 802.11 for Effcient Operations in MANET, In Proceedings of IASTED Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, November 3-5, 2003, Vol. I, pp. 201-206, California, USA.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., Suganuma, T. and Shiratori, N., Improving QoS in MANET using a New On-demand Flexible Routing Protocol, In Proceedings of IEEE Networks 2002, August 26-29, 2002, pp. 610-621, Georgia, USA.
- Utsumi, S., Zabir, S. M. S. and Shiratori, N., An Efficient Approach to Improve TCP Performance Over Wireless Networks, In Proceedings of EurAsia-ICT 2002, LNCS vol. 2510, pp. 916-925, Shiraz, Iran.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., Suganuma, T. and Shiratori, N., QoS Assurance Through A Flexible On-demand Routing Protocol in MANET, In Proceedings of 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI 2002, July 14-18, 2002, Vol. X, pp. 192-197, Orlando, Florida, USA.
- Zabir, S.M.S., Ashir, A., Kitagata, G. and Shiratori, N.,An Efficient On-Demand Routing Protocol for MANET, In Proceedings of International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA'02, June 24-27, 2002, Vol. IV, pp. 2123-2129, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., Katoh, T., Go, K. and Shiratori, N., Rethinking DSDV: An Approached Toward Improved Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, In Proceedings of International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, ICCIT2001, December 28-29, 2001, pp. 217-221, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A. and Shiratori, N., Providing Fair Service Over the Internet: An Approach Based on Packet Marking, In Proceedings of International Conference on Internet Computing, IC 2001, June 25-28, 2001, Vol II, pp. 609-615, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A., Go Kentaro and Shiratori, N., Providing Fair Service Among ECN Capable and Non ECN Capable TCP Connections Over the Internet, In Proceedings of 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI 2001, July 22-25, 2001, Orlando, Vol V, pp. 300-305, Florida, USA (Best Paper Award).
- Ashir, A., Zabir, S. M. S., Suganuma, T. and Shiratori, N., An Evaluation of Performance Improvement of Different TCP Congestion Control Scheme using ECN, In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking & Parallel/Distributed Computing, August 20-22, 2001, pp. 532-539, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A. and Shiratori, N., Estimation of network performance : an approach based on network experience, Proceedings of IEEE ICOIN-15, January 2001, Japan.
- Ashir, A., Zabir, S. M. S., Mansfiled, G., and Shiratori, N., Estimation of Network Performance from Application Logs, Proceedings of IEEE ICECE, January 2001, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Data integrity : construction of error control codes, In Abstracts for section-III, Nineteenth Annual Bangladesh Science Conference 1996 organized by Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Sciences (BAAS), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Inoue, M., Tangdumrongrat, P., Prabhavat, S., Utsumi, S., Zabir, S.M.S. and Shiratori, N., Mark-Reverse Explicit Congestion Notification for Satellite IP Networks: Simulation and Analysis Results, in proceedings of the International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability, ISTS 2012, November 2012.
- Ito, T., Jacquin, H., Utsumi, S., S.M.S., and Shiratori, N., Wireless Friendly Congestion Control: Emulation Results, in proceedings of the International Symposium on Technology for Sustainability, ISTS 2012, November 2012.
- 内海哲史、Zabir, S.M.S., 白鳥規郎, Never Die Networks のための輻輳制御法の提案とその性能評価, DICOMO 2015.
- 内海 哲史, 横山 徹也, Zabir, S.M.S., TCP-Cherry: 宇宙通信のための新しい輻輳制御方式, DICOMO2011.
- 内海 哲史, 冨樫 洸, Zabir, S.M.S., TCP-Cherry+: 継続的なエラーが発生する衛星IPネットワークのためのTCP-Cherryの改良, DICOMO2011.
- 内海哲史, Zabir, S.M.S., 白鳥則,郎TCP-Cherryの実現へ向けて : 衛星IPネットワーク向け輻輳制御TCP-Peach+の実装と評価, 情報処理学会創立50周年記念全国大会、pp 3-119~3-120, 2010.
- Utsumi, S., Zabir, S.M.S., Shiratori, N., TCP-Cherry over Wireless Networks with Timestamp Retransmissions, DICOMO 2009.
- Khan A., Zabir, S.M.S., Shiratori, N., A Buffering Scheme at the Home Agent (HA) to Support Macro-mobility over Mobile IP, In Proceedings of IEICE Workshop on Information Network, September 18-19, 2003, pp. 11-15.
- Chayabejara, A., Zabir, S.M.S., Shiratori, N.,Ensuring Better Channel Utilization with IEEE 802.11 for MANET, In Proceedings of IEICE Workshop on Information Network, September 18-19, 2003, pp. 33-38.
- Khan, A., Zabir, S.M.S., Shiratori, N., A Proactive Buffer Forwarding Scheme to Improve Macro Mobility over Mobile IP, IEEE Sendai Section, Student Session, 2003.
- Chayabejara, A., Zabir, S.M.S., Shiratori, N., An approach for efficient channel utilization using IEEE 802.11 in MANET, IEEE Sendai Section, Student Session, 2003 (Best Paper Award).
- Khan, A., Zabir, S.M.S., and Shiratori, N., A Buffering Scheme to Support Mobility on Mobile IP, In Proceedings of IEICE zenkoku taikai 2003.
- Iwamoto, T., Zabir, S.M.S., and Shiratori, N., A Proposal for Improved TCP Congestion Avoidance Algorithm with Low Priority Packet, In Proceedings of IEICE zenkoku taikai 2003.
- Chayabejara, A., Zabir, S.M.S., and Shiratori, N., An Enhancement of the IEEE 802.11 Medium Access Control, In Proceedings of IEICE zenkoku taikai 2003.
- Satoshi, U., Zabir, S.M.S., and Shiratori, N., TCP Identification & Revivable Window: Improving TCP Performance over Wireless with Link Level Retransmissions, DICOMO, July 2002, pp. 317-320.
- Chayabejara, A., Chakraborty, D., Zabir, S.M.S., Khan, A., Fujita, N., and Shiratori, N., A Destination Oriented Distributed Routing Method for Dynamic Multipoint Connection, In Proceedings of IEICE Workshop on Information Network, 2002.
- Satoshi, U., Zabir, S.M.S., and Shiratori, N., A New Flow Control Scheme for TCP over Wireless Links, IEEE Sendai Section, Student Session, 2002, 2A11 pp. 25.
- Zabir, S. M. S., Ashir, A. and Shiratori, N., Ensuring Fair Service to TCP Connections, In Proceedings of the IEICE Workshop on Information and Electrical Communication, September 13-14, 2001, Vol 101, No. 287, pp. 71-76, Tohoku University, Japan.
- D.Chakraborty, G.Chakraborty, Zabir, S. M. S., N.Shiratori, "A Distributed Approach for Dynamic Multicasting", IPSJ Symposium, 2001, Vol.2001, No.13, Appi, Japan.
- 現在、鶴岡高専で私は下記の授業を担当しています。
- 情報ネットワーク
- アルゴリズム
- 実践情報処理
- Editorial board member, International Journal of Informatics Society (IJIS).
- Guest Editor, Special Issue of Journal of Networks(Selected Papers on Networks of The 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2012)), Academy Publisher, 2014.
- Guest Editor, Special Issue of Journal of Networks(Selected Papers on Networks of The 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2011)), Academy Publisher, 2012.
- Guest Editor, Special Issue of Journal of Networks(Selected Papers on Networks of The 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2010)), Academy Publisher, 2011.
- Guest Editor, Special Issue of Journal of Networks(Selected Papers on Networks of The 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2009)), Academy Publisher, 2010.
- Guest Editor, Special Issue of Journal of Networks(Selected Papers on Networks of The 11th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2008)), Academy Publisher, 2009.
- Member, Editorial Advisory Group, Handbook of Research on Modern Systems Analysis and Design Technologies and Applications, Idea Group, 2008.
- Associate Editor, Proceeding of 2007 International Conference on Internet Computing, Worldcomp’07, CSREA Press, ISBN: 1-60132-044-2.
- Associate Editor, Proceeding of 2007 International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Servcies, Worldcomp’07, CSREA Press, ISBN: 1-60132-0454.
- Associate Editor, Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology, Worldcomp'06, CSREA Press, ISBN:1-60132-002-7.
- Associate Editor, Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Wireless Networks, Worldcomp'06, CSREA Press, ISBN:1-60132-000-0.
- Associate Editor, Proceedings of 2006 International Conference on Internet Computing, Worldcomp'06, CSREA Press, ISBN :1-60132-005-1.
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Networking, Systems and Security (NSysS), 2017.
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA), 2016.
- Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2016.
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2016 (ICCIT’16).
- Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2015.
- Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2014.
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA2016), 2016.
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2015 (ICCIT’15).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2014 (ICCIT’14).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2013 (ICCIT’13).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2012 (ICCIT’12).
- Program Committee Member, Signal-Image Technology & Internet–Based Systems (SITIS' 2012).
- Program Committee Member, Signal-Image Technology & Internet–Based Systems (SITIS' 2011).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2010 (ICCIT’11).
- Program Committee Member, Signal-Image Technology & Internet–Based Systems (SITIS' 2010).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2010 (ICCIT’10).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Internet Computing, 2009 (ICOMP'09).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Wireless Networks, 2009 (ICWN'09).
- Program Committee Member, Signal-Image Technology & Internet–Based Systems (SITIS' 2009).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2009 (ICCIT’09).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services 2009(SWWS’09).
- Vice-Chair, International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services 2008(SWWS’08).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Internet Computing, 2008(ICOMP'08).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Wireless Networks, 2008 (ICWN'08).
- Program Committee Member, Signal-Image Technology & Internet–Based Systems (SITIS' 2008).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2008 (ICCIT’08).
- Vice-Chair, International Conference on Internet Computing, 2007(ICOMP'07).
- Vice-Chair, International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services (SWWS’07).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Wireless Networks, 2007 (ICWN'07).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2007 (ICCIT’07).
- Program Committee Member, Signal-Image Technology & Internet–Based Systems (SITIS' 2007).
- Vice-Chair, International Conference on Wireless Networks, 2006 (ICWN'06).
- Vice-Chair, International Conference on Internet Computing, 2006(ICOMP'06).
- Vice-Chair, International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2006 (BIOCOMP'06).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 2006 (ICCIT’06).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Wireless Networks, 2005 (ICWN'05).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Internet Computing, 2005 (ICOMP'05).
- Program Committee Member, International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'05).
- Program Committee Member, The Second International Symposium on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Smart Worlds, 2005.